The cottage is placed on 2 acres of land and has a garden out the front. The cottage has been there since the 19th Century and the cottage was made of volcanic rock. Inside the cottage was a small hall. To the left of the cottage, there is the living room. There was a lavender flower tied up on the wall to make the air smell fresh. The candle was on the wall to light up the night when it got dark. Near the candle was a square table with 4 large bibles and it had lots of pages. The chairs were thick and uncomfortable to sit on.
There is the kitchen at the back of the house. In the kitchen, there is a pole with 2 rings on top to handle with. They used it to sit on it. They push the pole into the ground, and then they separate the rings from each other. Not far from the pole was a fireplace. They light it up to keep warm. They used coal to burn in the fireplace and also used a pillow to keep the fire cool. They cook dinner with a pot on a stove. The stove is nearly separated from where the gas below turns into flames. The table and the chairs were prepared fancily. The plates were on a plate mat that was made of silk yarn that was, it is round and blue for decoration. There is also a candle on the wall so they wouldn’t have to eat dinner in the dark. The cottage is full of pictures that they have collected from the olden days.
The tool room had lots of saws and long drills. The saws were really long so they could cut down trees that were wide. The washing tool near the saws weren’t automatic. People had to put their clothes in, fill the washing with some water and soap, then they had to keep pushing the lever back and forth so the circular things hanging from a small metal pole can squash and wash the clothes. When the clothes were done, they put it between 2 hard rolls and it squashes the water out of the clothes and also makes it flat. The tricycle near it was rusty and small. It had four wheels and has the colors : red, yellow, and white. The photos on the walls were pictures of the fire fighter’s truck and faces.
Upstairs on the right is where there is a blackboard with, a chalk, a black pen with a tip with ink to write with, and a feather with an ink bottle. The glass pane box is where they put their clothing and shoes when they have to go outside. The cupboard was full of decorations for the house. On the window sill, there was a volcano bomb that hit earth, and a fool’s gold.
It is important that we maintain Panmure cottage because it shows people what cottages were made of and how it looked like inside the cottage in the 19th Century