
Friday, 31 July 2015

Shark Finning

Sharks worldwide are dying out because of shark finning. Shark fins are harvested from various species of sharks by fishermen in Europe.

Image result for shark finning10  to 100 million sharks die every year just for their fins to be harvested. When brought aboard, only some survive while having their fins cut. When they are dumped back into the sea, they slowly drop into the bottom of the sea, where they bleed out, die of starvation or killed by predators / scavengers. 3 sharks every second are in the operation of having their fins cut off by fishermen.

When the fins are sold to restaurants, they are boiled then made into soup. The dish is very common in the East Asian Cuisine. The fin is like a decoration for the soup. People who have eaten the fin described it as tasteless.The taste of the soup is mainly from other ingredients. Shark fin soup is sold for $350 a bowl! In the olden days, shark fin soup was only eaten by rich and wealthy people because of the cost.

Even though shark finning is reducing the shark population, the fins are also used its medicinal value. It prevents  heart disease, increases energy for kidneys, lungs, bone etc. Shark fins, believe it or not, actually contain a little more iron, riboflavin (vitamin B),  and zinc, but also a bit of phosphorus (phosphorus is poisonous).

Sharks should live freely through the ocean. They have done nothing wrong to have their fins cut off. If fishermen do still cut off shark fins, they should at least cut off only one fin at a time with a limit of 3 fins a week. The fins cut off should only be used for medical purposes.

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Chocolate may be addicting, but think of what you would do next!

I have recently read a really interesting article from the Kiwikidsnews site by D Mulhern   

Image result for chocolateThe headline caught my eye as I skimmed and scanned across the page.

Headline: Addiction To Chocolate Lands Man In Jail
Chocolate Junkie, Luis Augusto Mora, was caught red handed thieving two boxes of chocolates from a supermarket in Colombia.

Reason 1: I was surprised that Luis Augusto Mara, who had an addiction to chocolates could face big consequences.

Reason 2: I never knew something sweet and simple could land you in jail if you had so much of it, but in his case, it’s more on the stealing due to his addiction.

Concluding statement: Woah! A man must’ve eaten a whole truck load of chocolates to be having that much of an addiction! I also agree with the Colombian President, that putting him in prison for 5 months just for stealing chocolate isn’t so much of a problem. The police should just worry about the bigger crimes committed by other civilians.

White hat :
Who was involved? - Luis Augusto Mara
Where did this event happen? - Colombia
When did this happen? - June 18 2014
What happened? - A man was arrested for theft
Why did this happen? - Because he was stealing 2 boxes of chocolate to feed his addiction.

Saturday, 25 July 2015

Travel by Bike!

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People should travel by bike! Cars are damaging the fresh air! Cars are also encouraging gas companies to make more factories which means more poisonous smoke!

Firstly, bikes are harmless to the environment. It doesn’t require gas to be powered or need any batteries. Biking is a good exercise for the body and can help keep you fit. Why stay inside a boring car when you can have an experience with nature?

Secondly, they can save you loads of money. A bike is 60 - 100 dollars while a car costs one hundred times more than the bike. Why spend 40$ on gas? For a bike, it only requires oiling, a pump and you’re ready to take another ride!

Thirdly, it can increase your brainpower! It is said that biking 3 hours a week can lower the risk of breast cancer, heart disease and strokes! Biking also causes less accidents which makes it a lot more safer!

Biking is the second most popular outdoor activity, so we should get out there and start biking! The best of all, it’s fun and enjoyable!

Friday, 24 July 2015

Think about the animals and their lives!

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Meat used in food should be limited at this very moment. There are billions of various animals dying right now just to be used as our food.

56 billion farm animals are slaughtered each year. That’s 9 times the number of our world population. As you’re reading this, 3,000 are in the process of being killed. 40 million male baby chicks are carelessly being thrown into meat grinders right after hatching. Females are put into huge plastic bags then thrown away.

Right now, you must be loving your pet, but she/he is lucky enough to not be in the group of 3.4 million pets killed for meat. Because of how popular the pet meat is, there is an actual thing called “Dog Meat Festival.” Most of these meat are produced in China. The amount of sympathy for animals have dropped. They are kept in tight cages, probably the size of a small box.

Factory animals are matured the hard way. Once adults, they will be force fed until they are full of fat. This causes immobilization. Once they are ready, they will be put into a conveyor belt to have their feathers plucked, beak cut off and to have their throats slit. If they decline to go to their path, they will be disciplined with whips. I’ve once watched a video of a man doing this. The other farm animal, the horse, are usually put in  bids. However, if people do not want the horse, the owners will secretly lead them to a knackery (a horse slaughterhouse).

So think about all of the animals that have risked their lives just for you to have a delicious meal. Vegetables are better and healthier if you just think about it. Now give that vegetable you don’t want to eat, probably an asparagus, a broccoli or a raw carrot, and try it out.