WALT - write a recount using language features.
I know this when I use speech marks when there is a dialogue.
On a Tuesday afternoon, we cleaned up the class room and went up the hall to watch Duffy Theater.
When we were inside the hall, we saw 3 people. 1 was a female and the other 2 were males. 1 of the males who was just like a rugby player, was setting up square blocks behind the background. The other male was singing a song with a guitar until the whole school was settled well. When room 8 showed up and sat down on the wooden floor, Duffy ended his song with a funny pose. Half of the school laughed, but I couldn't get what was so funny with just a funny pose. They introduced themselves. The first person was smaller than the rugby player. He wore a shirt with a letter "D" on the right corner. His name was Duffy. The girl was kind of taller than Duffy. She had a pink tutu and looked a bit just like a ballerina. She was holding something that was wrapped in grey gift wrappers and it was the shape of a rectangle. Her name was Rosie.
After they introduced themselves, they asked us if we knew the Duffy Song. A lot of us said yes, but, we heard one quarter of the school say no. I said nothing because I only knew the chorus. When Duffy was playing the guitar, I knew that it was going to start. When they sang, the school sang with them too, but I couldn't even hear a word of what the school was trying to sing. It was like half of the students who were singing were muttering or lip syncing. They were just pretending to sing because they thought they memorised the whole song.
When the song was finished, a person was walking up the stairs. It was Uncle Bingo. He was the person who was stacking the blocks. He had a black luggage and wore black pants and blue and white striped shirt. He said "I just heard some singing from upstairs so I came to see what it was." He started singing the incorrect lyrics from the Duffy Song. Instead of "Gonna read it. Read about it," he said
"Gonna eat it. Eat about it." I smiled because it was sort of funny. Duffy asked what the black luggage was for. He said that he was going to Australia to compete on the rugby tournament. Duffy then whispered to Rosie and said "I think he can't read!" They asked him if he ever read a book. He replied
"I do read books, but I'm just too busy with other things." Uncle Bingo had a cell phone and his dad called him. His dad asked when he was going to leave for the airport. He said it was tomorrow. Duffy and Rosie soon had a big surprise for Uncle Bingo. Duffy told a part of a book. It was called 'The king of colours.'
He said " When the king had made all the colours of history, he had an idea of putting them all together and show them to his people." So Duffy got a table that was high to their chest. He asked us to make our best dinosaur roar. I couldn't roar because I had a sore throat. When he reached down to the table, he lifted up a cake. Duffy said " Is this the item we're going to make into a book?" Some of us said
"YES!" but most of us said
"NO!" So he put the cake back and reached inside again. He asked us to make our best dinosaur roar again. So all of us Roared and he lifted up a big shiny and golden book from the table. It was titled "The best book in the world" He told us in a count of three to tell them our favourite book. He opened up the empty pictured book and he counted to 1... 2... 3... and I yelled "A DUCK FOR A DAY!"
He thanked us then went to Uncle Bingo. He told him to open the best book in the world. But before Uncle Bingo opened the book, Rosie gave him the gift. Uncle Bingo didn't mind the gift and put it in his bag. Uncle Bingo started to open the book and "BOOM!" a net full of toys and slippers popped out of the book. Rosie's face was touching a smelly slipper that belonged to Uncle Bingo. Uncle Bingo was near a dinosaur bone. Because the dinosaur bone was on his shoulder, he thought that his shoulder bone was broken. All of us roared at Uncle Bingo because it was a dinosaur bone. After that, he got out of the net. When he looked back on his shoulder, he said "Oh! My shoulder bone is not broken anymore!" Then, it was time to help Rosie who has been caught up in the net with a smelly slipper. Since it was a slipper, we all said "Stomp, Stomp" Then Rosie got out of the net too.
When they closed the book, Uncle Bingo said "Didn't I tell you? I don't like reading books" Then he walked down the stairs to go to the airport. Duffy and Rosie finally gave up and just watched T.V. Duffy and Rosie felt heart broken and blue that their surprise didn't work While Uncle Bingo was in the aircraft, he sat on the passenger seat. The pilot sat near him and coughed on his hand. Then he said "How are you doing?" And he tried to wipe his hand on his shoulder. Uncle Bingo dodged his hand and said "I'm good." When Uncle Bingo looked away for a moment, the pilot had a chance to cough on his hand and slowly patted him on the shoulder.
Then the aircraft started to go. Uncle Bingo thought for a moment of what to do while waiting to go to Australia. He searched in his bag and remembered the gift that Rosie gave him. He tore the wrapping paper and found a book about ballerinas. He decided to read it because there was nothing else to do. While reading and reading for a while, he got more interested in the book. He found out a fact and told us. He said "Did you know that ballerinas have tutus?"
After he finished the book, he was at Australia for the match. he got out of the aircraft and he was at the match. He used moves that he had learned from the book. He ran and ran and danced through the field until he had reached the goal post. he jumped down onto the ground and scored a try. He cheered and cheered. He was about to say "I'm number 1!"But when he looked down on his shirt he was number 8. So he said,
"I'm number... 8!"
After the game, he went back to Duffy and Rosie. Uncle Bingo thanked Duffy for telling him about books and Rosie for giving him the ballerina book. After he thanked them, he said to Duffy and Rosie "And did you know that ballerina wear tutus?" Then he said "Bye Duffy and Nosie!" And went down the stairs. After a while, Duffy and Rosie wanted to sing the Duffy song for the last time with us. We sang and sang until the end of the song. Next, Uncle Bingo showed up again for the questions. I asked "How long did this take to memorise the scripts?" They replied "We started around February in the morning." Finally, they started packing up, and the school started to leave the hall. I really had a great time with the Duffy people's act. On the next Duffy Assembly, I hope it was funny just like this day's Duffy Assembly.