
Saturday 15 November 2014

Hmm... I wonder what it was like back in the 1950s?

WALT - understand and extract information from the book "Time Capsule".
I know this when I complete a book review using the information from the story in my own words.
Introduce the book
This book is about a class and a lost time capsule.
By: Karen Anderson
Tell about the book, but don’t give away the ending!
This book is about a class finding a time capsule after their class was demolished for repairs.
Tell about your favourite part of the book or make a connection
I liked the part where they found Tyler’s uncle’s medal.
Give a recommendation (e.g., If you like… you will love this book or I recommend this book to anyone who likes…).

I think that people will love reading this book if they are interested in history, time capsules, rescues or schools.

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